Marulu Strategy - Making FASD History!

What's New?

What's New

FASD and complex trauma - A resource for educators - 2nd edition

Fostering professional learning communities to support children and young people living with FASD. This second edition acknowledges the role of complex trauma and its relationship to FASD and draws on new research about the effects of trauma on the developing brain and presents new insights on the interrelatedness of trauma and FASD (PDF 7.4MB).

 Prof Elizabeth Elliott presents her speech at the Jandu Yani U dinner in Fitzroy Crossing on the 24th October 2016.


Upcoming Events

Jandu Yani U

Jandu Yani U - Triple P

Our next Jandu Yani U Positive Parenting Program will begin on [date to be added].

Contact Jadnah Davies or Cari McIlduff at Marninwarntikura Women’s Resource Centre, (08) 9191 5284 or 0424 449 119 to register.

Proud and Pregnant Program

Meet us at Baya Gawiy for our next session on [date to be added].