Marulu Strategy: Making FASD History - About FASD(Time 01:01) |
Variety - the Children's Charity & Kimberley Diamond Company - supporting the Marulu Strategy (WA)(Time 10:07) |
Emily Carter speaks about family and culture(Time 06:07) |
Close the gap | James Fitzpatrick | TEDxPerth(Time 21:09) |
IHHP - Fitzroy Crossing - "Fitzroy Hip Hop"(Time: 4:33) |
How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime | Nadine Burke HarrisTEDMED(Time 16:02) |
Aboriginal trauma, Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and the juvenile justice system a volatile cocktail(Time 1:16:48) |
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder impacts you, but you don’t know it | Nora Boesem | 14:00) |
'In the Face of Overwhelming Evidence, Let’s Get Real' excepts of the presentation by June Oscar and Professor Elizabeth Elliott at the Nulungu Talking Heads event at the University of Notre Dame in Broome, Western Australia on 25th November 2015.
Part 1 - The History of alcohol in the Kimberley, WA - June Oscar(Time 4:12) |
Part 2 - The Fitzroy Valley in the 1960's - June Oscar(Time 2:02) |
Part 3 - Identifying harm in the Fitzroy Valley - June Oscar(Time 1:32) |
Part 4 - What is the evidence of harm in the Fitzroy Valley?(Time 4:23) |
Part 5 - The Marulu Strategy and Lililwan project - June Oscar and Elizabeth Elliott(Time 6:27) |
Part 6 - Lililwan Research findings - Professor Elizabeth Elliott(Time 3:03) |
Part 7 - The Fitzroy Valley: A Story of success - Professor Elizabeth Elliott(Time 2:54) |
Part 8 - Changing the conversation about alcohol - June Oscar(Time 5:30) |